A Halloween Treats Recipe for a spooky Halloween Party

A Halloween Treats Recipe for a spooky Halloween Party


What’s a Halloween party without spooky and delicious Halloween treats or a perfect treat in your Halloween inspired lunch box for your little one? Try making these Rice Crispies treats for a spooky Halloween party for kids or wrap them in parchment papers to give out to kids for Trick or Treat or add it to their lunch box . Let's ditch unhealthy candies overloaded with sugar and make this Halloween fun, yummy and healthy.



Healthy (and Spooky) Rice Crispies

Melt together
· ½ cup of peanut butter (or nut butter or non-nut butter of your choice)
· 3 tbsp of coconut oil
· 1 ½ tbsp of honey
· A pinch of salt

Add 2 cups of puffed rice
Transfer to a container and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours
Cut into rectangle shapes
Decorate with small amount of melted white chocolate and edible eyes



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